Player Lore

Me, The PLayer

AGE: 27
Gender: Fem
Interests: Video games, especially turn based RPG's, TCGs, music, and spicy food.
Hey! I promise I'm friendly, as long as you pass the vibe check that I definitely didn't tell you about, though I can definitely be pretty introverted and shy. It can take me a little bit to warm up if you're new to me, so just bear with me a little. I am almost always around, even if it might not seem so. Don't be afraid to reach out!

Character Lore

Ayleth, the Character

Age: 35
Gender: Fem
Height: 6'10"
Sexuality: Pan
Interests: Combat, both training and real, Spicy food, a good vodka based drink, protecting(and teasing) those she holds dear.
Dislikes: Boasting, dishonesty, Kugane, the desert or any hot tempered region.
Class: Hexblade Warlock(PLD in game)

Character Backstory

Her story begins with thievery, not from her, but rather of her. Stolen in infancy from her original home of the Skatay Range, she spent her developmental years as a slave along the Ruby Sea. Coupled alongside another Viera that were stolen with her, though not of blood, both were raised for hard work, and combat. Her teachers were cruel, the tiniest of mistakes made by the growing girl were met with brutality.It was her 15th year she escaped. A raid gone wrong left the ship and village in flames, to which she took this chance to make her escape. Malms upon malms of running, long after she grew exhausted, adrenaline guiding her nearly to freedom, before she collapsed She begged with the sky, pleading as she crawled, her nose alight with the scent of those coming to reclaim her. A voice answered, offering her the strength she needed, and she accepted without a second thought. She thought she bargained with the Twelve, but little did she know this was not the case, but it gave her the strength to make it to the alleyways of Kugane. She spent little time here, having made many stops already in her few years, she stowed on the nearest boat that headed west. This landed her briefly, a month in Thavnair, before setting off she found her new home in Eorzea, in Thanalan. With little more than a name, she struggled to survive. Learning to read and write through stolen books, she eventually could take work, running with trade caravans as protection.She led this life, running caravans, wielding her own strength and bargained power for the next decade and a half, growing her skills, making questionable connections, and fulfilling the requests of the patron she so long ago now, bargained with.

Hooks and Connections


Combat: Ayleth loves to fight, and the Beldora blood that runs through her proud veins will not allow her to deny a challenge.Work: Ayleth works in several venues under a variety of roles, this a great chance to get her talking, or for her to prod you. Or maybe you even have a job that needs doin', she could be interested.Fae: Given her pact and patron, Ayleth is cautious around things deemed fae, either by her own investigation or revealed to her.Criminal Activity: Given her natural upbringing and her escape, she's had many dark underdealings, some of her choosing, some ...less so. She carries herself in a way that might be telling to those in an underworld work environment.Death: Ayleth has died before, and while she is whole and living, there is a stain on her aether, marking her once departed.


Partner(s): Ayleth is poly, and has her wife, Kairi Koravel, whom which gave her the new last name, and her reconnected life-long connection, Drifa Maldentia.Close Friends: Ayleth has made numerous close bonds in her recent years, these being Lana Kahg, Wyra Cenmo, and Azriel Valentine.Family: Ayleth has some living family, identified through scent. This family is unwelcoming of her, and was the cause of her once execution.



While NSFW is okay, if it becomes pushed or forced, railroaded, etc, the RP will end.
Injuries can be okay, death is not.
Allow me to control Ayleth, and you control your character. Don't tell me how my character should be.
I sometimes can be bad about responding to RP, and a gentle nudge can be okay, but don't bully me into responding.
Don't be homophobic, racist, transphobic, etc. I will block you so fast.
IC is separate from OOC, do not mix the two. How Ayleth feels vs how I feel are not one in the same.